Front row seat views are something of a status symbol in the fashion industry. Kelly Cutrone notoriously once said that if you're seated anywhere but the first three rows at a fashion show, you might as well just stay home. Which means, if you have the connects to sit frow, you've obvi made it and that's cause for envy which translates to likes! The designer itself matters less than the photo (or finale walk through footage) that you post.
Get the look! Okay, so this one is slightly less accessible. Frow seats go to celebs, on-brand socialites, media, retailers, and friends of the brand on a priority seating basis. However, fashion bloggers have recently began infiltrating the front row seats combining elements of media and socialite status for the designer. Get to that level, and you can get to that seat. Until then, keep double tapping from a far.
[Photos via @garypeppergirl, @oraclefoxblog]