Galore Magazine's Founders On Their New Film "Run Catch Kill" And More From Last Night's Party

Was film something you've always wanted to get into?
PC: I definitely think film is a really awesome medium to get into. It's also something that we've been teasing at, doing really small fashion shorts, and we wanted to break that by doing something that actually gave models a voice. And that's why working with someone experienced like Joey to actually produce a full feature was a perfect way to launch Galore Cinema, where it wasn't going to be taken like we're trying to win an Oscar, but rather something that's campy and fun and that matches this occasion, which is Halloween. So we thought why not. Why not release something really fun. Liam Dean, Ashley Smith, Joey Falsetta, Mia Tyler [Liam Dean, Ashley Smith, Joey Falsetta, Mia Tyler]
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