Jane Aldridge, Sea Of Shoes

Jane Aldridge, Sea Of Shoes
When fashion and blogging runs in your blood, like Sea Of Shoes' Jane Aldridge, it's only natural that you're destined to become one of the leading style influencers in the fashion blogosphere. On their similar sense of style, her mom, Judy Aldridge, even told Stylelikeu, "It's genetic, our taste is genetically controlled." Judging from what we've seen out of the Texas-based duo, those are some seriously good genes. What's the best gift you've gotten your mom in the past? I think it would have to be a pair of Vivienne Westwood shoes that she really wanted for Christmas. I knew the shoes wouldn't arrive in time for Christmas, so I made her the cutest card telling her how the shoes would be arriving shortly--she still keeps the card by her bedside table. What's your favorite go-to spot for mother-daughter time? Right now, with the fantastic weather, it's going to have to be a spot with a patio. Our favorite choice of late is Mr Mesero's in Dallas. How has your mother influenced your personal style? I was interested in fashion from such a young age, when none of my friends were, so it was helpful to have a mom involved in fashion--and she is the only one that likes to vintage shop with me. [Photo via] [Photo via]
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