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Yves Saint Laurent

"Yves Saint Laurent"
Ok, so maybe this isn't technically a documentary, but this is still a fashion movie everyone should see. Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent set the standard for one of the most epic and passionate love stories that ever saw the light of day. The film portrays the magic hidden in the chaos of their tumultuous yet consuming affair. This image of love between the two remains timeless though their love of art, literature, and the edifice of Yve's oeuvres. The movie is a testament to the life and death of this fashion mogul and the head behind his flawless hands. L'Amour Fou, a documentary telling the same story is also worth a watch until Yves Saint Laurent is released in American theaters. For that, we will be waiting with bated breath. Watch the trailer here. Yves Saint Laurent [Photo via @ketchupmagazinehk]
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