Beck's Back For Summer

by THERESA WON · July 8, 2008

    beck, modern guiltEvery summer needs a soundtrack, and it seems that 2008 is still lacking one of without borrowing songs from last summer. Even's Umbrella Watch feature is scraping some songs that have been out for a while now (Bleeding Love? American Boy?).

    Enter Beck to save the day, or at least give us something new to listen to for the moment, as his new album is released in the US today.

    Even with the incessant playing of “Timebomb” (from every Urban Outfitters store in America to Gossip Girl), he still serves us some songs that will, at least for the moment feel new and fresh. His first album since 2006’s The Information, Modern Guilt adds that certain summer feel that 2008 seems to have been lacking (Coldplay is all fine and dandy, but can’t the album be released in the winter?).

    “Gamma Ray” has drinking on the beach written all over it while the title track, “Modern Guilt,” is perfect that Monday morning walk to work before your morning iced coffee. Of course, that’s all true until you clue in a little more to the lyrics. Beck’s in his more serious and reflective style of writing is transformed by producer Danger Mouse (also produced Gnarls Barkley St. Elsewhere) into the type of album that starts light on the ears but delves heavier with time.