Support The Little Guys At The New Music Fest!

by LAUREN BELSKI · June 6, 2008

    New Music FestSo, if you happened upon the “8 Best Bands in NYC” issue the L Magazine was touting, and your interest was peaked for at least one of them, last night's The New Music Fest at the Music Hall of Williamsburg would have been right up your alley. For only $8, it promised to be a nice smattering of sound. I support this sort of event because, though there are a zillion great bands in this metro area, those selected by L were as good as “under the radar” before this photo shoot/publicity riot, and there’s nothing better than watching a musician get their time in the spot light. Think of it as a “New York Rock Debutant Ball”. Or something like that. Here are some of the gang’s myspaces…in order of the one’s I like:

    Motel Motel The Lisps La Strada The Pain of Being Pure at Heart