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Zelda Kaplan

Zelda Kaplan
Born: June 20 1916 Died: February 15, 2012 (age 95) Husbands: 2 (2 divorces) Who she is: One of New York's most beloved socialites, Zelda was a fixture on the nightlife scene until the day she died. NYMag has called Zelda "one of New York's greatest treasures," and she was known around town for her signature look--African-print dresses--which she wore out to clubs, including to Bungalow 8. In addition to her late-night antics, Zelda was also a respected advocate for women's rights. She spoke with New York Magazine about her various accomplishments, saying:
"I spent half my life relaxing and the other half crusading — I was a successful ballroom dancer and women's golf pro in Miami Beach in my 20s, a doctor's wife in New York in my 30s — and in my 60s and 70s I spent my time largely in Africa and Southeast Asia campaigning directly with local tribal government leaders for women's and children's rights."
[Zelda Kaplan, Snoop Dogg, photo via]
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