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Tibet House US Benefit Auction

Tibet House US Benefit Auction
Go HERE for our photos! Where: Christie's Who was there: Guests included Uma Thurman, Ann Dexter-Jones, Paul Stephaich, Nena von Schlebrugge-Thurman, Eric Ripert, Alex von Bidder, Ludwig Kuttner, Beatrix Ost, Amy Poliakoff, Eric Blair, Elizabeth Gregory Gruen, Bob Gruen, Arden Wohl, Eve Harrison, Patricia Mitchell, and Robert Thurman. Other details: The Tibet House US held its 10th Annual Benefit Auction last night at Christie's Auction House. The items auctioned this year included exotic journeys to Nepal and Bali, a lunch with Uma Thurman at The Four Seasons, a NYC Fashion week tour with supermodel Petra Nemkova, and more. [Uma Thurman] [Arden Wohl]
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