World of Children 15th Annual Awards Ceremony

World of Children's 15th Annual Awards Ceremony
Where: 583 Park Avenue Who was there: Guests included Alina Cho, Stephanie March, Matthew Settle, Geraldo Rivera, Dallas Jessup, Liz Aldous, Wendy Nagle, Fern Mallis, Avis Richards, Kyle Weiss, Harry Leibowitz, Gigi Stone, and Kay Issacson-Leibowitz. Other Details: Last night at the 15th Annual Awards Ceremony, host Stephanie March helped honor Alina Cho, among others. [Stephanie March, via] - - - - - [Cindi Leive, Jim Gold, Alina Cho] [Geraldo Rivera, Erica Rivera] [Photos via Carly Otness/BFANYC] [Photo via]
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