AS2YP Mardi Gras Masquerade
AS2YP Mardi Gras MasqueradeWhere: Avenue Other details: The organization, Autism Speaks, held their annual party at Avenue last night. The organization sponsors an annual event to promote awareness for the next generation of parents. The masquerade themed event, co-chaired by Jesse Morris, Phil Quartuccio and Danny Ryan, had a few notable guests in attendance, including TV personality Andrew Jenks. The organization promotes awareness for one of the most pressing psychological issues facing coming generations. One of the shocking statistics revealed by Autism Speaks was the sharp increase in the percentage of children who are being born with the disability. In the past six years, rates have surged from 1/2500 to approximately 1/88 children being born with autism. The organization hopes to continue to spread awareness and continue to throw inspiring events to provide a voice for autism. Go HERE for more photos by Josh Wong from AS2YP Mardi Gras Masquerade!