Russian Standard Vodka Toasts the StyleCaster Tastemakers of 2011

Russian Standard Vodka Toasts the StyleCaster Tastemakers of 2011
Where: W.I.P. Who was there: Guests included Kid Cudi, Chelsea Leyland, Susie G., Jonathan Groff, Samantha Lim, Brandee Brown, David Goldberg, Lindsey Calla and someone who may or may not have been Jared Leto. Other details: Melissa Gilbert (@Melito820) tweeted:
I'm on the pursuit of happiness with @kidcudi at the @StyleCaster holiday party #nobigdeal
[Photo via] - [Chelsea Leyland] [Chelsea Leyland, Brandee Brown, Allison Isabel] [Chelsea Leyland, David Goldberg] [R: Lindsey Calla]
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