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Midnight In Paris 1920's French Cabaret Dinner Party

Midnight In Paris 1920's French Cabaret Dinner Party
Where: Capitale Who was there: Guests included Henry Stimler, Paul Haggis, Amanda Kerlin, Jay Schweid, Sahle Ghebreyesus, Seth Greenberg, Luca De Ambrosis, Paolo Zampolli, Yana Tara, Henry Stimler, Nicolas Barthelemy, Jennifer Hughes, Alexandra Genis, Oliver Lane, Polina Proshkina, Roberto Buchelli, Tommaso De Nardo, Valeria Eva, Vanessa Davidson, and Yan Assoun. Other details: Yana Tara ‏ (@YanaTara) tweeted:
Setting up for the most beautiful and unique dinner party in NYC. A real theatrical experience!
[Photo: Masha Bolotinskaya, Valeria Eva via BFA] [Photo via]
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