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The Lotte Amoje Food Capital

The Lotte Amoje Food Capital
You would think that in such a fashion-centric environment like a shopping mall, designers would pay more attention to the decor of the food courts. Interior designers in South Korea got the message. The Lotte Amoje Food Capital is a typical cafeteria set on overdrive with its blazingly, neon colors, "technorganic" and sinuous forms, creating a hyper-sensory experience for its diners. The food capital is more than a place to eat, as its design centers around multiple islands where undulating tables branch out, coaxing interaction and stimulating dialogue between diners. Seemingly out of a world created by Dr. Seuss, The Lotte Amoje Food Capital, embodies a dynamic, kaleidoscope for the senses. The Lotte Amoje Food CapitalSeoul, South Korea The Lotte Amoje Food Capital [Photo via]
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