"Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Drunk Jew In A Tub"--Justin Ross Lee

by Chiara Atik · June 22, 2010

    Justin Ross Lee is famous for having someone constantly at the ready to photograph him in even the most mundane situations. (Because, yes Justin, a bath, even one overflowing with bubbles in a hotel suite, is still pretty mundane.) Other boring things he makes sure to take a picture of?-

    What he wants us to think: "JewJetting iLife"

    What we actually think: Why are you taking a picture of Facebook?

    What he wants us to think: Suave Justin having a drink in his suite.

    What we actually think: Nice hallway??

    What he wants us to think: Justin!!! Using your iPhone under a shower?! You so crazy!

    What we actually think: Moron.

    What he wants us to think: Wow! That's an AWESOME gym, Justin!

    What we actually think: Okay?? Also, we see you in the mirror.

    What he wants us to think: "Losing the shirt off your back in Vegas".

    What we actually think: Asking directions to the pool.

    What he wants us to think: Oh, Justin, checking into business class, again!

    What we actually think: Put your camera away at the freaking check-in.

    What he wants us to think: Lookin' fine with that Louis Vuitton!

    What we're actually thinking: Yes, we GET it, you're at the airport!

    What he wants us to think: What a jetsetter!

    What we actually think: Who TOOK this picture?!?

    What he wants us to think: Wow! How luxe!

    What we actually think: No, seriously: who took this picture?!?!

    [All photos via Facebook]