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Get really preachy about how you love your curvy wife

So you've probably heard about Robbie Tripp, who got super preachy on Instagram how he loves his curvy wife. First of all, doesn't this dude know that pontificating and acting like you're the first person to have a opinion that's actually widely held is more endemic to Facebook than Instagram? And doesn't he know that's exactly why people don't use Facebook anymore? You've also probably read the onslaught of thinkpieces as well, calling him "as bad as meninists" or "a shitty feminist." Look, I'm a feminist, but for me, it's not really about that. I just find him irritating because he...just totally sucks? Can't we all just hate people because they're the worst anymore, or does it have to be about how they're "politically incorrect" or "offensive?" 

Like, he considers Macklemore his "creative idol," he calls his wife "doll face," and he talks all the time about being creative but all he's done is write a book about how creative he is, yet I've never seen anything he's created...? He's no different from that dude that makes it seem like he's great in bed and hypes himself up to you, only to be a two pump chump who has no idea how sex works. He also learned from the Donald Trump School of PR and is constantly updating his Instagram stories denying that anyone is having negative reactions and it's just the lying media trying to make something out of nothing. 

Anyways, tangents about this dude who can only be described as a anthropomorphic Unicorn frappacino aside, this could be one way to go viral. 

[Photo via @tripp]

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