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Livetweet a breakup

Kelly Keegs (who just so happens to be a GofG alum) first rose to social media stardom when she live tweeted a breakup on a plane. Instead of sitting idly by and playing the Vegetable Lasagna to this couple's Elaine and Puddy, she fleshed out the fallout beat by beat on her Twitter and ended up trending worldwide. And yada yada yada, she's now Twitter verified and on Barstool a bunch. Apart from tweeting the plane breakup, she churns out witty content on her social media all the time, like when she openly admitted to creating websites to talk shit about her classmates at the age of 12 and said she would take a selfie with O.J. if she had the opportunity. Airing out a breakup you have absolutely no role in on social media probably isn't much classier than airing out your own breakup on social media, but Kelly's funny so she can get away with it.

[Photo via @kelly.keegs]

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