Today's Giveaway: An Advance Copy Of "Save The Assistants"!

by guestofaguest · August 30, 2010

    Are you on a permanent PB&J diet because you do everyone else's work and get an assistant's salary? Are you barely surviving as an assistant/aspiring fashion editor or business tycoon? Lilit Marcus and GofG feels your pain, so we are giving away a copy of Marcus's new book "Save the Assistants!" SIGN UP NOW to win, and see below for details!


    "Save the Assistants" is Lilit Marcus's brand new book that serves as a guide to assistants and assistant-types in today's work place. Geared towards those of us who are just starting out, STA provides practical tips on how to deal with a tough boss, and with concussions from getting a stapler thrown at your head... Your dad's career book, this is not.


    If you aren't today's winner, be sure and check out each day's Gift Bag giveaways in our newsletter. Besides the top stories and best events going on in NYC, we are giving you the chance to be a true Guest of a Guest with tickets or treats. Nothing could make us happier. Go HERE to sign up!