Eavesdropping In: Lady Gaga Ziplines Into GMA, Mark Zuckerberg Only Eats What He Kills

by Mara Siegler · May 27, 2011

    With just hours to go before the Patriot Act expired at midnight, Congress passed a four-year extension last night with President Obama signing with an autopen, a machine that holds a pen and and signs the president’s real signature. [AP]

    Feds arrested 91-year-old woman selling suicide kits. [KTLA]

    After being introduced by his lesbian niece, Mayor Bloomberg made his strongest pitch yet for gay marriage by warning wavering state lawmakers yesterday that history isn't on their side.[NYP]

    Lady Gaga kicked off "Good Morning America's" 2011 Summer Concert Series today by zip-lining on to the stage. [ABC]

    The new diet of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg restricts him to only eat what he kills. Intense. [Mashable]