Eavesdropping In: NKOTB Star Saves Fan, Termites Devour $225K At Bank

by Mara Siegler · April 27, 2011

    Starbucks has moved ahead of Burger King and Wendy's to become the number 3 US chain. [USAToday]

    Scientology has bought a landmark movie studio in Hollywood from a struggling public television station. [Telegraph]

    NKOTB's Donnie Wahlberg tweeted a link to a blog post about a young fan in Nashville who was in desperate need of a kidney transplant to his 183,000 followers. The local hospital was inundated with offers, and six suitable matches were found among potential donors.[BostonHerald]

    Termites found their way into a storeroom in a bank and munched their way through bank notes worth some $225,000. [BBC]

    Friendster has announced it plans to delete all user profile content as of May 31. Anyone still use this site? [NYT]