Eavesdropping In: Obama Has Eating Issues, Plant Caper Hits Harlem

by Chiara Atik · July 30, 2010

    We're starting to think Obama doesn't really like to eat in front of people. While others dined on steak at Anna Wintour's house, the President only drank coffee. [Page 6]

    It is the eve of Chelsea Clinton's wedding, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand: we still don't know that much. [Daily News]

    Disney sells Miramax Films for $660 Million but buys Playdom for $750 Million. Times they are a changing... [Twitter]

    If you care about Mark Zuckerberg attending a wedding in India, well, here are pictures. [Gawker]

    Theft is a serious crime, but this plant caper in Harlem makes us giggle. [WSJ]

    WHAT is with all these ships popping up all over the place? A new one, under Washington Street. [CityRoom]