Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by Rachelle Hruska · March 25, 2009

    Blake Lively childhood crush on David Letterman escalated last night when she jokingly suggests they have a threesome. Watch the "electricity" between the two yourself. [Gawker]

    Is our president becoming overexposed? He's already been on Leno, 60 Minutes, and after last night's press conference (which many critics feel was BORING), some are wondering if his marathon charm offensive is going to wear thin. [Intel]

    A violent sex ad on Craigslist led to murder of WABC newsman George Weber by his 16 year old partner during a drugged-up date with the older man. [Daily News]

    The writer over at Metromix finally scores an in at Greenhouse (after waiting in line for an hour!) where he finds out how clubs in NYC work. [Metromix]

    The Hermès sample sale madness begins at the Metropolitan Pavilion on 18th street. How do the "serious discounts" add up? Check out the live blog for prices [Racked]