Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best....

by Rachelle Hruska · July 20, 2009

    The Sunday Styles' profiled story was on pot. Specifically, on why marijuana is bad. Wasn't there anyone doing anything fashionable this week? Alexa Chung? Shouldn't this have been on page 13 of the business section? [NY Times]

    What did make the business section? A profile on Diane von Furstenberg (leading us to believe the Times editors were on pot themselves when they were deciding the sections) Gawker breaks it down for you. [Gawker]

    Here's an idea, maybe they could have profiled artist Dash Snow and the memorial that is collecting outside his studio on the Bowery. [Curbed]

    Russell Simmon's white party this weekend was a huge success according to team Hamptons. Catch up on the latest interview with the music mogul while you axiously await their party post. [Intel]

    Frank Bruni and the rise of the recession friendly food focus: "Foie Gras Palates, Hot Dog Pocketbooks." [NYT]