Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by Rachelle Hruska · July 22, 2009

    What are the odds that your next restaurant meal will be prepared by someone on drugs? Very high. Cooks and coke go together like salt and pepper. [Daily Beast]

    Socialite Ali Wise has a few things she needs to get off her chest. I know! I'll Tweet them! [Cityfile

    The super secret tunnel beneath Cafe Select has been closed after some incidents happened with "chuckleheads who didn't know how to handle a good thing." [Grub]

    David Letterman thinks Twitter is a waste of time, no matter how hard Kevin Spacey tries to convince him otherwise. [Valleywag]

    Permanent Brunch- a brunch only restaurant with a bacon bar - is set to open in the east village soon. The only place where the bacon meme matters anyway? [Eater]