Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by CAROLINA FRANCESCA · August 21, 2009

    Jennifer Aniston may have revealed some leg and then some when a NY Post photographer caught her in action. At least Gawker thinks she might have.... [Gawker]

    We hate to break it to you but Birthday Sex is no longer a "hot summer song". No worries though here are 10 songs that are still sizzling [Vulture]

    Speaking of hot, Starbucks is quite hot and cold with its prices. Check out the chain's first time ever lowering prices (as well as their raise in prices). Ok. What? [Gothamist]

    Who says that being gay (and not the gets-with-altar-boys variety), having sex and being a clergy member don't go hand in hand?  The Lutheran Church may be taking on non-celibate gays as part of their clergy! [CNN]

    Are you constantly annoyed that your gym is just not hip enough? Why even bother when no one is watching? Tim Murphy checks out David Barton's new Astor Place so-hip-it-hurts-our-eyes gym (um, guess you could call it that...there are like weights and stuff) [DailyIntel]