Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by SARAH MANDATO · September 15, 2009

    Anna Wintour responsible for Federer's loss? [Gawker]

    Kanye blames his totally rude VMA stunt on his mother's death, two years ago. Cheap man, cheap. [CNN]

    Speak of the devil, Obama calls Kanye a "jackass." SNAP. [Mashable]

    Ben Affleck tells wife Jennifer Garner that she looks fat in her jeans. Men, a lesson: don't say stupid things. [EOnline]

    Take the first look at Gansevoort 69, opening in the new Florent space. [NYMag]

    Check out the first episode of Jason Schwartzman's new show, "Bored to Death." Don't pretend you are doing work when you first get to the office. Everything before lunch is a wash. [Amazon]