Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by SARAH MANDATO · September 25, 2009

    Vince Vaughn says he is ready for kids. His wife-to-be is sooo going to be the bad cop. [People]

    Gossip Girl mom gets restraining order against ex for, among other things, interrupting breastfeeding. TMI, Lily. [EOnline]

    In this season: granny panties! Boyfriends everywhere groan. [NYT]

    Baristas charged with prostitution after being suggestive with customers. What, they don't appreciate a little bang for their buck? [Eater]

    New York's divorce rate among lowest in nation. Possibly inversely proportional to fidelity rate? That'd be ironic. [NYP]

    Actor Randy Quaid and wife arrested over hotel bill. Nothing worse than a cheap celeb. [CNN]