Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by SARAH MANDATO · September 28, 2009

    After over three decades of avoiding warrant issued for statutory rape charges, Oscar winning director Roman Polanski is arrested in Switzerland. [CNN]

    Khloe Kardashian confirmed married. Our money was so on a press stunt to end the first season of her reality show. [EOnline]

    Britney Spears wraps US "Circus" tour, maintained sanity. Nice moves on the comeback. We totally bet against you, Brit Brit. [People]

    Heiress Annie Morell Petrillo's body found after she jumped from the Tappan Zee bridge, mimicking her father's suicide 15 years ago. [NYP]

    The latest collab: Sonia Rykiel for H & M. [Racked]