You Should Know: Michael & Darroch Putnam

by guestofaguest · September 11, 2014

    Darroch Putnam, Michael Putnam

    Couple Darroch Putnam and Michael Putnam's breathtaking and artistic floral creations are a fashion world favorite with the likes of Dannijo, Vogue, and many more of the city's most stylish party throwers as their faithful customers.

    [You Should Know]

    More Michael and Darroch!

    Darroch Putnam, Michael PutnamDarroch Putnam, Michael PutnamDarroch Putnam, Michael PutnamDarroch Putnam, Michael Putnam [Shirts by Patrik Ervell, Saint James; pants by Marc Jacobs, Patrik Ervell; shoes by Margiela, Assembly NY]

    Occupation: Floral Designers Instagram/Twitter: @putnamflowers

    Darroch: "Stick with me-I'll take you places." Michael on what he does all day: "Play with flowers!"

    Darroch Putnam QuestionnaireMichael Putnam Questionnaire


    What do you actually do all day? Hustle flowers!

    Favorite song growing up? TLC "Don't Go Chasin' Waterfalls"

    Why do you live in NYC? Too much traffic in LA.

    Uber, Taxi, Subway, or Citi Bike? Subway

    My motto is... Stick with me-I'll take you places.

    My alter ego is... Someone with a cape.

    The last drink I had was... Double IPA

    My secret crush is... Martha Stewart

    What was your first job? Camp Counsler

    If you had one day left to live in NYC what would you do? Spend the day at Ample Hills.

    Coming from? Going to? The floral district-back home to LES

    What is your favorite work of art? Frida Kahlo self-portrait

    Who should we know? Putnam & Putnam,


    What do you actually do all day? Play with flowers!

    Favorite song growing up? "Tangerine"-Led Zeppelin

    My biggest secret is... I think I'll keep it a secret.

    Why do you live in NYC? Because it's the bomb dot com

    Uber, Taxi, Subway, or Citi Bike? Uber

    My alter ego is... Joni Mitchell

    The last drink I had was...Probably a bad idea.

    My secret crush is...Devendra Banhart

    What was your first job? Lifeguard

    if you had one day left to live in NYC what would you do? Trapeze school

    Coming from? Going to? Floral district to my apartment

    What is your favorite work of art? "Heaven" by Anish Kapoor

    Who should we know? Putnam & Putnam