San FranciscoYou Should Know
You Should Know: Ian Brennan
As a music producer, Ian Brennan not only recognizes good talent when he sees it - he's got it himself. A Grammy winning producer with three - count them, three - Grammy nominated records, Brennan's success is that of a true artist, extending beyond just the musical sphere, and into the world of literature.
Music Producer, author and lecturer
Place of birth:
Oakland, CA
What do you actually do all day?
As much as possible in as little time as possible
Favorite song growing up?
"Saturday Night" by the Bay City Rollers
My biggest secret is…
Why do you live in San Francisco?
I haven't been evicted yet.
Uber, Taxi, BART or Bike?
My motto is…
Be highly suspicious of those with mottos at the ready
My alter ego is…
a big ego
The last drink I had was…
My secret crush is…
my wife
What was your first job?
Mowing lawns
If you had one day left to live in SF, what would you do?
Spend every minute with my wife... but certainly it would involve a pie from Tommaso’s in North Beach.
Coming from? Going to?
Seattle to Italy
What is your favorite work of art?
Sub-Saharan Africa
Who should we know?
Vic Chesnutt's Legacy; the Malawi Mouse Boy's ascension.