This is serendipity to another level. Quite possibly the most unbelievable story on Craigslist is about a newlywed couple from San Francisco vacationing in Greece back in 1998. While on the Greek Islands, the couple met a woman in her 50's painting the ocean scenery. After finding out that she was also from San Francisco, they asked her how she ended up in Greece. The painter had apparently been inspired to move out to Greece by a Craigslist ad about a couple in their twenties who decided to quit their jobs, sell their belongings, and move out of the bay area to travel around Europe for a few years.
Low and behold, that same couple were the two maniacs that had sold all their belonging on Craigslist years ago to travel around. The three were bewildered by their serendipitous meeting and remain close friends to this day.
[Photo via]