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Tough Books for Extreme Readers

Tough Books for Extreme Readers
People are totally into extreme sports - why not extreme mind challenges? I love this list of 50 Incredibly Tough Books For Extreme Readers on Flavorwire today. I have been trying to break open David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest for almost a decade now, and always seem to find an excuse to push it off. I'm going to try to open it this week.
Check out the other books that made the list HERE! "For those of you who count yourself tough, here’s a list of books for you: some absurdly long, some notoriously difficult, some with intense or upsetting subject matter but blindingly brilliant prose, some packed into formations that require extra effort or mind expansion, and some that fit into none of those categories, but are definitely for tough girls (or guys) only."
[Photo via]
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