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9. Dennis Ritchie, creator of Unix, dies.

9. Dennis Ritchie, creator of Unix, dies from prostate cancer at age 70.
It’s funny how fickle fame can be. One week Steve Jobs dies and his death tops the news agenda. Just over a week later, Dennis Ritchie dies and nobody — except for a few geeks — notices. And yet his work touched the lives of far more people than anything Steve Jobs ever did. In fact if you’re reading this online then the chances are that the router which connects you to the internet is running a descendant of the software that Ritchie and his colleague Ken Thompson created in 1969. [ION]
It's true, the creator of Unix and Linux (which powers many of the world's data centers, like Google and Amazon, and its technology serves as the foundation of operating systems, like Apple's iOS, in consumer computing devices), was perhaps more important than Jobs. [NYT]
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