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I don't feel healthy; I don't feel blessed. I feel #smothered, and not just by the poached egg you nestle on top of me at breakfast.

I mean, yesterday it was heart-shaped toast and #truelove, and it seems like you're trying to prove that there's still some magic with us, but we both know it hasn't been there in forever. It's a lot of pressure on me when you hunt me down at three stores because there's a shortage. You were so strong and independent when we met, and now you're hyperventilating for a whole day if you can't find me. Plus, the toast. It really comes down to that. It's all we do! I miss Taco Tuesday. And I can't remember the last time we just did a simple guacamole and snuggled with some chips and Netflix. Even a whole sandwich would be better than this open-faced sh*t. Sometimes I just need my privacy. [Photo via @forkandbeans]
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