Building Bridges on May 12th

Who: Rock Recovery

What: Join us for an inspiring evening to support Rock Recovery with special guest host, Kirsten Haglund, and keynote speaker, Dr. Curt Thompson. Building Bridges is Rock Recovery's largest annual event which serves as a celebration of the work the organization does year-round to bridge gaps in treatment and understanding of eating disorders.

More than 30 million Americans will battle an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime, and only 1 in 10 get treatment due to affordability, accessibility and stigma. Rock Recovery was founded to bridge gaps in treatment and understanding of disordered eating so that those numbers will change. Rock Recovery has been serving the Washington, DC community and beyond since for the past seven years and has provided affordable outpatient treatment to more than 75 clients and community empowerment programs to 10,000 individuals. 

Where: University Club

When: Thursday, May 12 @ 6:30 pm

How To Get In: Buy a Ticket 

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