TECHnically Speaking : Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone

TECHnically Speaking : Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone

Where: Sixth and I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St NW

When: Wednesday, April 2nd | 7pm

Why: What does it take to become TIME’s most influential person of the year? How does an interoffice SMS idea become a multi-million dollar company? Is Twitter really just a way for the government to keep tabs on Beyonce? If these questions have ever crossed your mind, it is time to speak to Biz Stone – a co-founder of Twitter and author of new book Things A Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of A Creative Mind. In conversation with Megan Garber, Stone will reflect on his past ventures, provide insight about the current internet landscape and discuss his new book. Take this opportunity to get a picture and a signature from one of the coolest GQ Nerds of the Year.


[Photo via]

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