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Taste of Peru on May 29th

Who: Taste of Peru

What: Taste of Peru - Washington DC 2016 is the biggest culinary festival showcasing the gastronomical marvels of Peru. The event will feature renown peruvian chefs and local peruvian restaurants, entertainment, vendors and culturally related topics. The Event will take place Sunday May 29, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the University of the District of Columbia.

This is a ticketed event, the price of the ticket is for admission and give you access to the live entertainment and live cooking demonstrations. Each vendor will charge for food or products separately. Prices could be between $3-$10. Children under 10 are free. For more details about the chefs, check our website. www.tasteofperudc.com.
Tickets: Guest should bring their ticket to the event.
Entrance to the event: The entrance to the event will be through Van Ness Street.

Contact: via email to: info@tasteofperudc.com / via phone: 202-340-5917


Event: The event will take place rain or shine.

Where: University of DC

When: Sunday May 29th starting at 10am

How To Get In: Buy a Ticket

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