Must-Read DC Blog: Secretly Fancy

by Sophie Pyle · February 28, 2012

    How refreshing it was when I finally got a link to Candace Ourisman's style blog, Secretly Fancy, today. I had heard of her blog from a few stylish friends, all of us in pursuit of a blog that shows Washington's elegance and conservatism without falling back on Brooks Brothers, Milly or Tibi. [Note: We love BB, Milly and Tibi.]

    Candace does marketing for a real estate group today, but before that, she was an assistant buyer for Boston Proper. Candace is happy where she is, but her blog gives her that "creative outlet for fashion photography and writing," she told Guest of a Guest today.

    So, brace yourself for the blog you have been waiting for: a heaven for Washington women that love cozy cable-knit sweaters, subtle peeks of neon colors, chunky leather booties, and the occasional photo collage dedicated to "swagger." [Secretly Fancy]


