Fashion For Paws Fundraiser: Puppy Love
[Heather Mahoney, Redskins Cheerleaders and Fran Holuba]
Fashion For Paws Fundraiser: Puppy LoveWhere: L2 Lounge Guests included: Steve Cheveney, Britt McHenry, Jessica Ann, Lauren Blanchard, Ashley Boalch, Jake Cusack, Fran Holuba, Baille Gelwicks, Caroline Carr Gould, Heather Mahoney, Lawrence O'Neal, Kristin Rudman, Brian J. Silver, Laurina Sousa, Sarah Valerio, Other Details: Over $3,000 was raised on Wednesday night thanks to Washington socials that were up for auction. Music was provided by DJ Neekola. Besides the Redskins Cheerleaders, the hot topic of the night was the "snowverreaction." [Photos by Naiffer Romero and Mark Kanawati]