Dancing After Dark

Junior Concil Ryan Seelbach, Jessica Carson Where: Carnegie Library Who was there: Guests included Dancing After Dark Co-chairs: Elizabeth Ballas and Paul Grayson, Founder's Reception Co-hosts: Clare Bonsignore and Jim McInerney, and Junior Council Co-chairs: LeeAnn Goheen and John Green Other details: On Saturday, January 24, Junior Council hosted Dancing After Dark, an event dedicated to raising funds for Children's National. Children's National plays a large part in improving the health of children in the nation's capital and throughout the world. Over 570 guests attended the sol out event at the beautiful Carnegie Library. The first half of the event was the Founder's Reception, where members of the Junior Council and leaders of Children's National gathered and shared their experiences of how they are working towards improving health care. Dr. Stephen Teach, MD, MPH, and Director and Principal Investigator of Children's National's IMPACT DC program, made opening remarks at the Founder's Reception portion of the night, discussing the importance of treating children and the value philanthropy plays in supporting the hospital and specifically, programs like IMPACT DC, which helps children living with asthma. He thanked the Junior Council for making the special night possible in support of Children's National. Children's National's CEO and President, Kurt D. Newman, MD, made a special appearance in support of the fundraising event as more guests and DC influence-rs poured in, the evening quickly transforming into a night of non-stop dancing. The band had guests singing passionately and showing off their best moves. Junior Council has raised over $165,000 to benefit Children's National through the 2015 (8th Annual) Dancing After Dark. dance floor photo boothafter dark
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