Feetures! Socks

Feetures! Socks

Cost: $9.99+ [Link]

Socks? Really?


If your power goes out, so does your ability to do laundry. If your ability to get fresh water is limited as well, you’re definitely not going to want to waste any on washing your clothes. A clean, comfortable pair of socks will keep you warm and ease the pain if you have to walk great distances or worse, evacuate the city.

We recommend Feetures! socks, which are made with iWick Polyester or Merino+ wool, both of which will keep feet warm in wet, cool conditions. Feetures! socks also lack the potentially irritating toe seam. "Your feet are your biggest asset in a disaster," said David Kobler, who said socks are one of the most important things to have ready-to-wear.

[Images via]

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