What are some of the main themes that can be found in your work?

What are some of the main themes that can be found in your work? I definitely have a glam-rock aesthetic that maybe doesn’t come through literally, but I think echoes in there. My favorite is Marc Bolan from T-Rex. I kind of love the idea of a maybe not-so-good-looking guy throwing on glitter. I named my dog Bolan at first but I ended up switching it to Bowie just because I didn’t want to spend the rest of his life explaining it. I’m also a total 90's kid. Which is why I think I’ve started to incorporate so many stickers in stuff. I think a lot of my more recent work is about our generation being kind of pushed back into a second childhood because there’s no adulthood to grow into. I feel more like a kid now than I did at 17, thinking about school. I have more Hello Kitty stuff now than I did when I was teenager. Price tags are a big theme—but a lot of it is about choosing something like Hello Kitty over bills. [Photo via]
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