What informs the pop cultural elements of your work?

What informs the pop cultural elements of your work? I don’t have a TV but sometimes I’ll be somewhere and I’ll catch some part of a show I didn’t even know existed. Like I had never seen Toddlers and Tiaras and I was like, 'Oh my god, it’s like a mini dragqueen competition!' and I became obsessed with it. I started taking screenshots of how miserable the little girls looked when they won. And I just took a bunch from a show about Irish Stepdancing. So [those pieces] come from candy crap TV shows or advertisements or a music video. It’s also about what you let digest and what you tune out - if you choose to submerge in reality TV and stuff like that. I think my characters are doing either-or. They’re either totally submerged in sugar culture or they’re very oblivious and needing to get away from it.
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