Zady already seems to have a very large social media following. What has the reaction been so far, and do you think social media plays a role in defining and developing what you're about?

Zady already seems to have a very large social media following. What has the reaction been so far, and do you think social media plays a role in defining and developing what you're about? SD: We receive Tweets from people all around the world, in different languages! It's really fun in the morning to log onto Twitter and do a quick search for Zady and see what people are saying. To have posts in French appear, someone saying in French that they love what Zady's about. And someone saying it in Spanish, German, Portuguese. And our partners from The Bootstrap Project are as far as places like Tanzania, Nepal. We've had comments from folks in Australia. So what's beautiful about social media is that it's a global conversation and we want Zady to be a global brand. As we continue to grow our presence, it's really fun to know that there's one way for us to easily communicate to a broad audience and get feedback in real time from that audience. And that is essential. [Photo via]
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