Wow! With all that great global receptiveness and positive feedback already, do you think that Zady really has the chance to revolutionize the fashion industry, or at least shift the direction in which it's heading?

Wow! With all that great global receptiveness and positive feedback already, do you think that Zady really has the chance to revolutionize the fashion industry, or at least shift the direction in which it's heading? MB: We hope so. We hope together with the community, obviously it can’t just be us, it’s going to require the community to really engage in the subject. But we’re really hopeful with the feedback that we’ve received through social media and just that people are making this connection to how we cared in the past decade, and Whole Foods and Trader Joes has been such a big part of it, about the food we put in our body and how it’s time that we care about what we put on our body. It’s exciting to see that people are really thinking about it. [Photo via]
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