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Sunday: No Wave Now Salon

Sunday we attended the No Wave Now Salon hosted by the LEGENDARY Lydia Lunch at an undisclosed location that frankly we were shocked to find out was so close to home and yet seemed to be a lovely little slice of the seventies prefect preserved, untouched by time. After the brief artistic portion of the evening, everyone drank delicious champagne and got REAL. We’ll protect them from themselves and not credit any of these perfect quotes but here are some of our favorite things people said at this party: “Americans unlike Europeans are very friendly, they’re like children, they don’t know any better.” “THIS is what I imagined New York would be like when I hitchhiked here from Glasgow.” “The space between notes is EVERYTHING.” “Radio was better when Sting was on it.” “The 1965 World’s Fair was New York’s peak, it was all downhill form there.” “The best time at any party is the first five and the last twenty minutes.” “Eartha Kitt was the Lady Gaga of the ‘60s!” “I miss the hobo bonfires.” We also spotted Daryl Hannah getting a psychic reading.
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