Your away message was a way to air out your personal drama

Whether it was Death Cab For Cutie lyrics that you heard on The O.C. the night before or  quotes from The Hills to make your frenemy feel like shit ("I'm going to forgive you and I'm going to forget you.") or even airing out your drama straight up with no frills, your away message functioned as your press release in 100 characters or less. I remember when I got my first period, I made it my away message. I IMed the most popular girl in my class and then put up my away message so she would automatically get it. She responded and then asked if I got my period and I was all, "Yeah but don't tell anyone. I like to keep my private life private." That way everyone would find out about my period and I would get attention instead of flagrantly seeking attention myself. Except things didn't go as planned and I didn't get any attention. I'm pretty sure I was more confessional in my away messages than I ever have been with my shrink.

[Photo via @theoc.official]

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