Zooey Deschanel or the Manic Pixie Dream Girl

The manic-pixie dream girl, of which film bros everywhere have labeled Zooey Deschanel the poster child (and rightly so), indicates a symptom of the institutions which created the modern Lolita: the collective longing for a sprite-like woman-child who can pull you from your self-indulgent shame spiral but still needs you to take care of her.

Deschanel, whether consciously or not, references an era where the infantilization of women was more superficially visible with her mid-century modern dresses and domestic past-times.

Alongside her own social media presence, which reeks of naïve technological ignorance, Deschanel's performances in New Girl and 500 Days of Summer, demonstrate how a grown-woman can stay relevant after puberty: be indecisive, be quirky, essentially, be a five year-old with tits.

[Photo via @zooeydeschanel]

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