Music Unites Party And More From The GofG Galleries

by Chiara Atik · October 5, 2010

Le Bain was packed last night for the Music Unites party, and we got some crazy pictures of Caitlin Moe and Mia Moretti in action. Check out what other pictures our photographers snapped last night, from the newest GofG Galleries....-

Garnier & Rolling Stone Kick Off Music Unites Women Empowerment

Go HERE for more photos by Gonzalo Romero, and tag yourself and your friends!

Yesterday evening, Music Unites hosted "Empowering Women Through Music" at Le Bain, featuring performances by the energetic duo of Mia Moretti and Caitlin Moe, as well as a performance by Diane Birch.

"To The Loft" Party!

Go HERE for photos by Benjamin Gustafsson, and tag yourself and your friends!

Rain didn't put a damper on this party! Despite a last minute location chance to the rooftop of the BuzzFeed office, BuzzFeed and The Barbarian Group's night of drinking went off without a hitch. (We especially liked the photo ops provided by the giant yellow tech slogans on the walls--definitely a nice change from the Manhattan skyline!)

Women's Venture Fund: Defining Moments Gala Auction

Go HERE for more photos by Sunny Norton, and tag yourself and your friends!

The Women's Venture Fund held their annual gala at Capitale last night, honoring Susan Berman and Ramona Singer . The Women's Venture Club offers information, business advice, and access to credit for women entrepreneurs. Cheering on Ramona on her special night were Real Housewives co-stars Sonja Morgan and Alex McCord, as well as, naturally, the film crew.

Anne Doubliet With Suspicious Package And Bad Brilliance At The Explorers Club

Go HERE for more photos by Benjamin Gustafsson and tag yourself and your friends!

Anne Doubilet and her daughter Emily joined together with Suspicious Package and Bad Brilliance at the Explorer's Club for a presentation on Anne's decades of exploration and photojournalism. Emily then screened HUMMINGBIRD, an original music video currently featured on National Geographic.
