Apple Meatpacking Opening Tomorrow

by guestofaguest · December 6, 2007

    apple store

    [Photo from Racked]

    Omg everyone!...the new Apple store on the corner of 14th and 9th will be opening tomorrow!  We will stay far away for awhile, but see this addition as a smart one for the company.  First of all, EVERY other Apple store we've ever been to has been jam packed at all hours, so it makes complete sense that they continue to open especially in the Meatpacking district, home of many the foreign tourist already (you know how much they dig Apple shit).  Maybe this addition will mean that there will be less traffic in some of our favorite boutiques down there as well.  Anyway, here are the details (via Gizmodo):

    • Apple's first three-story glass staircase (pictured above)

    • 46-foot Genius Bar capable of serving 100 tech-support seekers per hour with 12 stations. It isn't the longest GB in the world though; somewhere there's a 50 footer.

    • Pro Labs: Free multi-session classes in Logic, Final Cut and Aperture. Six students sign up for 2hrs, once a week for four weeks. The classes are intense and totally free, starting Jan. 7

    • It won't be open 24 hours like the Fifth Avenue store, but it will be open til midnight.

    • A Concierge team wearing light blue shirts will be on hand to show off all the shop's wares.

    • A total of 175 employees will work the store, mostly veterans from other NYC stores.

    • This store will have an entire floor dedicated to service, that's 50% more total space for tech support and education than any other Apple Store.

    The nippy weather is not going to have any affect on the line that is, no doubt, already in formation.  Get there early if you want to get in on the fun...or do what we do and continue to make fun of people that wait in lines.