Hamptons Beach Read Of The Day: Blood And Champagne

by CARSON GRIFFITH · June 25, 2009

    Before you reprimand us for suggesting any form of biography as beach reading, believe us when we say Blood And Champagne: The Life And Times Of Robert Capa is in a league of its on. A bio that reads more like a novel, the story of Capa's life is more intriguing than most fiction any other author could have come up with on their own. One of the most important photojournalists to ever brave the trenches, Robert Capa's life on the other side of his camera is truly the main focus of this book. As a charismatic young man, he took Ingrid Bergman as a lover, Ernest Hemingway as a poker opponent, and threw caution, and money, to the wind.

    You'll enjoy the book that much further knowing Capa's life, the lies, the prostitution, the glamour, and the tragedy are all true. And who knew Hemingway was so good at poker? We certainly didn't.